We supply affordable, quality and sustainable grass-fed beef to all of our customers, reared from our small family farm in the welsh countryside.
Consuming meat, as we all know, can have a substantial negative effect on the environment. However, you don’t have to change your eating habits dramatically to reduce your impact.
Choosing environmentally conscious producers and reducing your intake can make a huge difference and that’s why we pride ourselves on farming with a farm to fork ethos.
What exactly is the rising trend, farm to fork strategy?
Simply, adopting methods of farming which reverse the loss of biodiversity, making sure that every person has access to sufficient, affordable, safe, nutritious and most importantly sustainable food.
We are deeply committed to contribute to transforming consumer behaviour for better. In a post-COVID and Brexit world, we know consumers value local and British produce.
Animal welfare and husbandry is central to the DANDI culture. Home bred beef, never mass produced, we sincerely hope you will include us on your personal journey to support a more sustainable future for generations.
We’re only one farm, but we encourage every effort in this movement.
Gall bwyta cig, fel i ni gyd yn gwybod, cael effaith negyddol sylweddol ar yr amgylchedd. Fodd bynnag, does dim rhaid i chi newid eich arferion bwyta yn ddramatig i leihau eich effaith.
Gall dewis cynhyrchywr sy’n ymwybodol o’r amgylchedd a lleihau eich cymeriant wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr a dyna pam rydyn ni’n ymfalchio mewn ffermio gydag ethos fferm i fforc.
Beth yn union yw’r duedd gynyddol, strategaeth fferm i fforc?
Yn syml, mabwysiadu dulliau ffermio sy’n gwrthdroi colli bioamrywiaeth, gan sicrhau bod gan bawb fynediad at fwyd digonol, fforddiadwy, diogel, maethlon ac yn bwysicaf oll yn gynaliadwy.
Rydym wedi ymrwymo’n ddwfn i gyfrannu at drawsnewid ymddygiad defnyddwyr er gwell. Mewn byd ôl-COVID a Brexit, rydym yn gwybod bod defnyddwyr yn gwethfawrogi cynyrchi lleol a o Phrydain Fawr.
Mae lles a hwsmonaeth anifeiliaid yn ganolog i ddiwylliant DANDI. Cig eidion â fagwyd adre, sydd byth a wedi'i fasgynhyrchu, rydym yn obeithio byddwych yn ein cynnwys ar eich taith bersonol i gefnogi dyfogol mwy cynaliadwy am genedlaethau.
Dim ond un fferm ydyn ni, ond rydyn ni’n annog pob ymdrech yn y symudiad hwn.
We have farmed at Trefwital for four generations. We rear and produce quality Welsh beef, with a long-term view to offer other meats, subject to consumer request.
We offer our customers a full service. All of our beef is raised, butchered and packaged locally in West Wales. Our product is delivered with care from our traditional welsh farm.
All of our beef is grass fed and grazed outside for over 150 days a year. DANDI prices our product fairly, positioning our offer between the supermarkets and premium retailers, offering a quality and yet sustainable product on a regular basis.
We work to ensure that, for those who value our commitment to diversification and environmental factors, accessing premium meat is straightforward.
Cig Dandi Meats - Produce of Trefwtial Fawr Cyf.
Copyright © 2021 Cig Dandi Meats - All Rights Reserved.
Please message to enquire and reserve some of our delicious Welsh Beef!